This weeks Post Secrets were very oriented in their sensitivity as usual. We had some very funny ones- some very sensitive ones- and some very that were rather creepy. Make sure to go check out the postsecrets for yourself.

The first one reminded of a conversation I had with a friend back in High School. This very exuberent and energetic, conservative cheerleader friend of mine expressed to me that she has hugged her mother once her whole life and her dad none at all. It astonished me! I guess things are different for other families. But my family was always nothing but hugs and kisses every time we part. It just blows my mind.

I use to draw all of the time. It was one of my favorite things to do. But over the last year I found myself doing it less and less. And its almost complicated now. I don't quite understand it.

I miss being ridicously ticklish. =[

I thought that this was pretty funny. I mean who wouldn't do this if that had the access to an ex's condom stash?!
And thats my choices for this week. Hope you all enjoyed them, and i hope for some comments. =]