Hello. My name is Ethan Ridenbaugh. My blog subject for this class is PostSecret. But even more so inclusive Postsecret.com. Post Secret has been around for a number of years. It started as a public art experiment and has been ever since growing. Post Secret is a constantly building colaberation of Post Cards all over the world. People all over the world share their secrets in an artistic form on a post card. In a way this brings unity to the world. In some way or another a person feels alone at some point and a person sharing their secret anonomously gifts a person with the idea that their not alone in the world. And when you share a secret with the world, but keep your identity hidden you would feel like you are giving yourself a clean slate and nothing to hide. Which makes a person feel better about themselves. Since the project began the owner of the experiment Frank Warren, has published four books and travels all over the United States. He travels to museums and exhibits displaying and explaining the importance of secrets. How in away secrets make up a part of us. And what sharing and hearig a secret means, how peronble that is. Some of these secrets show the most personal sides of a persons life, while others maybe humorous in nature. And there is no experience like reading post secrets along with someone. If its either to laugh together or symapthize together. I love sharing my Post Secret books with my friends. They are always enjoyable to talk about and always tend to tug at your interest. So each week i plan to give my ideas and opinions on that weeks post secret post, or post secret in general. I will be sharing which ones i find humoring, along with ones that I might relate to.

one from this weeks post.
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