Who hasn't freaked out when someone didn't reply back quick enough to a text? I kind of have an intense texting addiction. Like coc-heads to their coc, there is Ethan to his cell phone, never seperated and always texting.

Sadly, I have to say I agree with this post secret. I still can't fathom the fact that one day I too will die. I don't understand death at all and I think its impossible to become completely non-exsistant. Your energy must go somewhere, energy can not be destroyed. But anywho, I thought that it was interesting.

This one just kind of opened my ideas and thought about the different reasons why drug addicts do the things they do.

If you have never watched people in traffic, then you really must try it. And maybe even ponder, where are they going?

This one reminded me of when i went on a trip to Austraila in High School. We spent three weeks there and on the last night all the "in" crowd of the group went to one of the hotel rooms for a final party. Upon me and my roomates arriving I noticed that one of the girls from my high school was on the bed undercovers with a guy. And there was a good idea of the dirty deed they were up to. I come to find out she lost her virginity that night. Which now I'm kind of jealous. She had a crazy experience in Austraila, when else will that chance every happen?

I just thought that this one was funny. It had to of been an AMAZING night!
Lol this is funny Ethan...I like how you put pics on your blog to give an visual look on your words...