Friday, February 6, 2009

Week 4. Comment Please.

So the Post Secrets this week were okay i guess. I didn't connect to much of them and if I did I really don't feel like sharing it with everyone else.
So here's the first one.
I thought this Post Secret was interesting. It opened my eyes and made me wonder what all secrets do we all hide from each other, even secret lives. What habits do people have and they hide from their closest loved ones. I won't tell you mine, but I will tell you that I do have one. I think that every person does. It makes me wonder about the people closest to me and their secrets. And I ponder the whole story behind this couple.

Eating Disorders. I'm not really sure what I want to say about it. I think there are more reasons behind an eating disorder than there is for the reason that the person thinks they're over weight. They might say they're doing it because of their weight; however, I think it could deal with issus of control in their life. Or it might just be that the person enjoys the feeling of clearing out their stomach.

It's a topic that I think a lot of people deal with. I'm sure that everyone has had an eating disorder of some form, even if they don't know it. Or at least know someone who has had one.

This one I found quite interesting. Do I take into mind the actions of my mother or father and wonder if I'll be the same way? All the time. And I think that no one wants to be like their parents, not exactly. Everyone wants something better, and something far from what their parents had.

1 comment:

  1. Yea I liked the other ones better too, but these showed some different things. It might relate to people on a individual not better. Eating disorders and being locked up can not be fun either.
